
Monday, February 1, 2010

New friends! Cool.

Welcome to my new followers Fantasy Cartographic, Talysman the Ur-Beatle and Grodog. Just when I was thinking that I might as well post my little ditties on the backside of my water heater for all the action this little blog was getting, along come these three fine folks--not to disregard Daddy G.--excuse me, Humber G.--and James for their early support, of course. Thanks for stopping in all of you!


  1. No prob! Someone linked your megadungeon design review post, and I laughed. I normally just add blogs via Google Reader, but since you had a nearly-empty followers list, I figured I'd add you with the follower tool.

    That sounds vaguely... weird.

  2. Yeah, I've been a bit leery of these follower things myself, but Ive gotten over it now that I see how cool it is to have some evidence that someone might be reading things around here.

    Now if I can just keep the content coming...

  3. My recommendations: blog regularly with interesting and/or enlightening information, and visit other sites that you find interesting and comment on their posts.

    It usually takes a while to develop a following, so don't despair.

  4. Thanks Paladin; I had a bunch of cool ideas to start out but unfortunately I'm not able to make them a priority at the moment. It amazes me how much time it takes to write up anything cohesive that isn't pure fluff.
