
Wednesday, June 3, 2020

The Scarab of Hommlet: The Conspiracy Continues, part XVII

I recently received an email from Darrell, Director of Research down at the Home Office of Dicechucker Enterprises. He kindly delivered up an impressive pile of demographic stats on the villagers of Hommlet that clearly need to be published on this here blogsite. Inspired by his handiwork, I dug out my old Hommlet notebooks to compare his findings with my own research and came across a drawing amidst some notes I wrote approximately 4 years ago:

I admit that the sketch is a bit shoddy but Hommlet loons the world over might hopefully recognize it as a rendition of the Scarab of Rannos Davl, one of the evil traders cum devotees of Evil most Elemental. Said loons might also likely remember that the scarab is known to be a hall pass for certain portions of said Temple.

Now I understand that for many/most/all of you TZGY is just an abbreviation for Zuggtmoy goddess of fungus, which makes sense when you realize that her name was once spelled Tzugtmoy, which might not even be true but too late, I just said it so now it is. But for those of us who were barred admission to T1-4 The Temple of Elephantiasis of the Esophagus we had only the text of T1 to go off of. And in T1 there is only one deific entity mentioned in association with the Temple of Elevated Estrogen and her name is Lolth, not Zuggtmoy. For folks like me, TZGY was some sort of code used by Lolth worshippers, sort of like how folks of a certain persuasion will immediately recognize INRI as a signifier of Jesus Christ without necessarily knowing what the letters stand for.

"Ok, but what's your point, D-Chuckles?" you ask? Here's my point: if you live in a world where Zuggtmoy doesn't exist--as most of us did until 1984-ish, then what does TZGY stand for? Well, on the same page in my notes as the above referenced scarab drawing is a list of four names:
Holy Crap!
While some of you are probably thinking "why is this jackass lumping two clerics of St. Cuthbert in with two known Culstists of Evel Knievel?"* Those conspiracy wingnuts amongst you will remember that years ago some internet nutjob posited that the coincidence of Y'dey's sabbatical from the Church of Cuthbert and Lareth's arrival at the moathouse was no coincidence at all. If you don't feel like clicking that link, I'll give you a brief summary: Y'dey = Lareth.

Terjon knows that Y'dey was sent off to live in a dank dungeon under a swamp with a squadron of brigands and he's jealous. If you would rather live in a dank dungeon under a swamp with 16 unbathed brigands as your roommates than hang out at Cuddy's posh new church in Hommlet then obviously you too are a devotee of the Temple of Eloquent Eros. I'm aware the logic here is circular but bear with me.

And if Terjon is in on it, it stands to reason that the Arch Cleric of Veluna--who assigned to Terjon the task of covering for Y'dey while she assumes her alter ego (Lareth)--is also in on it. This Cabal goes clear to the top of the Cuthbert hierarchy! 

*And for those who are wondering who those 4 names refer to:
  • Terjon, interim canon of the Church of St. Cuthbert  while Y'dey is off "adventuring."
  • Zert, Inn resident and known agent of the Temple of Erectile Enhancement. 
  • Gremag, Rannos Davl's colleague at the Hommlet dry goods depot; also a known Temple associate. 
  • Y'dey, absentee Canon of St. Cuddy, Hommlet diocese.


  1. So the scarab is to remind Rannos who is co-conspirators are? Or did they pitch in and give him this graffitied knick-knack for his birthday?
    Considering that his Int is 14, I find the latter more likely.
    Does Rannos have a fixation with scarab beetles? Is the scarab beetle his spirit animal/insect?
    Aside, notice that both Rannos and Gremag have Cha of 7. Great traders. Great spies, for that matter. The Temple of Elementary Education was truly scraping the bottom of the barrel when they chose those two.
    And yet another thing - nothing is said about the opinions of their groom and man-at-arm. Are they Temple agents or just some guys? We don't have ability scores for those two; maybe the man-at-arms is the Face of their group. Otherwise, (and most likely true anyway), no village citizens would ever shop there. This place exists strictly for passing merchants to pick up some necessaries.

  2. I like the thought that one of them--probably Zert--decided to take up a collection for a gift for Rannos. Probably they also got him a mug with "World's Best Boss" inscribed on it.

    That Scottsz dude, years ago, pointed out that Rufus (or Burne? which one is the fighter?) also has a scarab, which made me immediately think that A) it's the scarab itself that's important, not the letters inscribed on it and 2> that R&B are, perhaps unwittingly, serving the Temple of Elementary Education. He also pointed out that Y'dey's namesake, an actual nun or abbess or what have you who lived in the Middle Ages, was believed to have been eaten by a giant beatle. So lots of scaraby goodness in Hommlet.

  3. Yo D:

    >Aside, notice that both Rannos and Gremag have Cha of 7.

    Actually, Gremag has a 14 CHA in T1. Is this another difference between the T1 stand-alone and T1-4 omnibus?
