Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Greatest Hommlet Blog Post of All Time and Space

While this blog isn't exclusively a Hommlet hagiography, I have certainly written more words about it than any other single topic. And while I am far too humble (and attractive) to claim that any of my posts are the best blog post on the topic, several of them must certainly be in the running. That said, I have identified the single greatest blog post about Hommlet--and it was not even written by a blogger. Rather, it wasn't written on that writer's blog, it was posted in the comments section of the old UnderDark Gazette.

Remember the UnderDark Gazette? Precursor to Dreams of Mythic Fantasy by the late (yes, sadly) James Smith? Remember when ScottsZ usurped James's Hommlet post with a lengthy dissection of  The Temple of Elemental Evil?

James's initial piece went up on June 28, 2011 and was mostly a splat post of different maps of Hommlet and its vicinity. But then, in the comments section, ScottsZ--a dude who had a pretty awesome blog of his own back in the day (Cold Text Files, though no evidence of it remains)--proceeded to provide an in depth analysis of T1-4, posting hundreds of words a day for a month before finally tailing off in August, but with one final post on September 24th.  Then he disappeared from the internet entirely, never to be heard from again.

Read the whole affair here: 


Other noted OSR blowhards such as Malishefski, G'hawk Grognard, and even yours truly also make appearances in that comment section--just hoping to ride ScottsZ's coattails to glory. His sagacious words outclassed us all. I miss the guy, he had some great thoughts on adding richness to your game setting using deep knowledge of real world history and mythology. He even posted comments on my stoopid blog back in the day, though that should not be counted against him.

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